Exploring Paris – Day 3, Sent home by Covid-19.

Day 3 we woke up very aware of the situation.

Although we didn’t let it dampen our moods or our experience we decided, especially with family calling and messaging us as well urging us to come back, it was time to go home to the UK a day earlier than anticipated at the risk of being locked down in Paris, France.

Luckily with our breakfast goodies we bought the day before we enjoyed our Brunch in the hotel room and a relaxed morning before getting all packed up and heading back to the centre. We still had one more stop before heading to Gard Du Nord.

Walking down the streets of Le Defense to the tube stations were unusual as everything was closed and everything was very quiet. When we arrived at the tube station no one was in sight but this was the cheapest way to get back into the centre for us and we didn’t mind. This made it easier to manoeuvre with our cases.

We then arrived at the Eiffel Tower! I wanted to just at least walk past it, underneath it, take a picture, SOMETHING. So I was very grateful that Brad let me do this. We sat in the park below the Eiffel tower and ate what little food we had left and a quick smoke break to then head across to the Gard Du Nord Station. The Eiffel tower was just as beautiful and impressive as the pictures. I was so happy I got to see it and sit underneath it and enjoy the weather before we left. The park itself was busy and there were people everywhere. It was a lovely atmosphere.

They were very good when we arrived at Gard Du Nord and stated we had tickets for tomorrow but would like to leave a day earlier. The gentleman serving us seemed slightly confused and asked us why we were leaving early which shocked me. I did think that this would be obvious and I knew were certainly weren’t the first ones today to request a train home today. Brilliantly we managed to get the next train out!

16:10pm we left Gard Du Nord on the Eurostar home a day early. It was still an absolutely amazing trip. I loved every second of it and spending quality time with my man, the best birthday present a girl could ask for. The fact everything was closed museums and viewpoint wise was no let down or bummer and didn’t influence the trip negatively. If anything it made me want to go back once this is all over do everything we couldn’t do properly.

Watch out Paris. We’ll be back!

Stay safe and healthy during Covid-19. We will push through!